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Science Cafe Wageningen Eat yourself healthy

Science Cafe Wageningen Eat yourself healthy

20.00 - 22.00

Deelnemers 7 / 12

Wageningen - Gelderland
Min. 2 - max. 12

Deelnemers 7 / 12

30 - 55 jaar
€ 0,00


Ga gezellig mee naar Science Café Wageningen.
Eerst zijn er 2 sprekers (voertaal is Engels), er is gelegenheid om vragen te stellen en na afloop kunnen we gezamenlijk nog een drankje doen.

Thema (van de website): Eat yourself healthy?!

The title of the next science café may sound very straightforward, but is it really? In our daily life, we are confronted with many opinions about what is healthy, and these ideas are quite often conflicting. All those messages about what we should and should not eat make us confused, insecure, angry, or may be even indifferent, and we are not sure which information to trust. Can you use the information on the label of a product to decide whether a specific product is the healthiest choice for you? When can food producers for example state that a product contains a lot of vitamins or that the ingredients boost your immune system? Strangely enough you may find on the label of orange juice that it is a vitamin C-rich product, but you don’t see this on most oranges, so how is this possible?

In this science café, we will shed some light on these seemingly conflicting matters. Prof. Ellen Kampman will focus on the latest scientific evidence on foods, nutrition, and health and the way nutrition guidelines are produced. She discusses the type of studies that are conducted, their possibilities and pitfalls, and how to interpret the evidence. Dr. Alie de Boer, will share with us her insights into the European regulation on nutrition and health claims, how to scientifically substantiate these claims, and why these claims should be of interest for consumers and producers.

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